Drugs and chemical-based cures are just one option when you catch a cold or get the flu. Taking an offensive stance against getting sick will usually help you stay well. In spite of your intentions, of course, sometimes those cold and flu germs manage to sneak in and take hole, even though you’ve worked hard to keep them out. Resist the urge to take medication that will do little more than put you to sleep. It feels like a viable option but there are healthier ways for you to get over your illness and feel better. If you are looking for something to help ease your cold and flu symptoms and to, hopefully, cure your cold completely there are plenty of natural options available. Try a few of the options presented in this article.
Vitamin C Sources
If you’re looking for a quick natural health remedy, try some peppers. Bell peppers are a great source of Vitamin C and chopping some up and putting them into your sauces and sandwiches can help you beef up your immune system so that it is ready to fight off cold and flu germs. Cayenne pepper is great for the sinuses as well. Add some cayenne pepper to your tea to help stimulate and relax your sinuses so that you can breathe easier. A good way to help your body start the healing process is to eat some cayenne pepper, which will heat up your body and make it sweat, which is how the germs and toxins in your system are released.
Discover the Power of Garlic
Garlic is a great and healthy addition to your diet. When you really want to garlic to work for you, it’s best to make sure that you get at least 1500mgs of the spice a day. You can either eat a clove of garlic or take a 500 mg supplement-nutritionally they’re about the same. The easiest way to get the garlic you need to get better is to either take a supplement or to cook a clove of garlic into your food three times a day. Thankfully adding garlic to your meals is easy and garlic is incredibly inexpensive-keeping garlic cloves on hand is easy! A note about garlic: the 500mgs a day 3 times a day remedy should not go beyond five days. If you still show severe cold or flu symptoms after five days, call your family doctor.
Try Ginseng
Ginseng is a great natural health remedy. Ginseng can be found pretty simply: you can buy diet supplements, foods that contain it and there are plenty of ginseng-based teas available as well.
Instead of waiting until you come down with a cold to go out and get some ginseng, start eating ginseng infused foods now so that you can possibly hold off the illness altogether. If you don’t feel well, brew some ginseng tea. Not only does the ginseng help you get better but the warmth of the tea can soothe a sore throat and the steam from the cup can help clear up your sinus passages a little.
Choose Natural
It’s easy to find natural health cures to common colds and other illnesses. Instead of dropping a bunch of money on over the counter drugs, check out the remedies you already have on hand! Natural cures for sickness will often have better results and more quickly than over the counter medication. Why not try out the natural way of healing?