Boosting Your Immune System
Most of us already understand that fighting a cold or flu is best done by drinking lots of fluids and getting plenty of rest. Your immune system also requires a good amount of Vitamin C is also a good idea. That all sounds fine and good when you feel fine but once you start to fight a flu you just want relief and quickly. This need for quick relief is what sends so many people flocking to the pharmacy. These medications can sooth cold and flu symptoms fairly quickly. The relief from these medications is usually temporary and can actually increase the length of your illness. This is why opting for natural health cures is a good idea-these are all items that your body really needs and that can help it stay healthy!
Common Cold Cures
There are elements in chicken soup that make it a good cure for the common cold-even scientists will admit it! Over the counter medications will not actually combat the illness that ails you but the ingredients in chicken soup will because they are filled with vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to build its immune system to help combat the germs that have taken hold.
You don’t have to eat a bunch of oranges to meet your vitamin C requirement! You can get vitamin C from vegetables too! If you feel yourself starting to get sick, aim for the green and leafy as well as the orange and round. You can also find vitamin C in other citrus fruits like limes and lemons.
Bell peppers are another good source of this essential vitamin so why not chop some up and toss them in your pasta sauce? Not only is the addition of vitamin C infused ingredients to your food great for your taste buds, your immune system will enjoy the added boost to its strength as well.
Cut Out the Sugar
Sugar makes it easier for you to get sick because it makes your immune system weak. Many people have reported feeling healthier after they cut out sugar-especially refined sugar. Sugary drinks might taste better when you are sick, it is better to steer clear of them and drink water instead (or tea). If you want to get rid of a cold or the flu, eating sugar is counterproductive and gets in the way of other natural health cures you might be trying. Natural health remedies are great methods of fighting the flu and the common cold. Why would you take a bunch of chemicals and drugs to heal your body when natural methods work just as well? There is more to life than decongestant and antihistamines when you get sick: your bottle of water can heal you just as quickly. Getting lots of rest is the best way to ensure that your natural health remedies do what they are supposed to do!