Causes and Treatments of Stress Headaches

Stress headaches, especially in our fast paced society, are incredibly common and sure it’s possible to fix them with aspirin or other pain relievers but it’s better to search for a permanent solution. If you only get headaches once in a while then quick fixes are fine but if they happen all the time it is important to figure out the true cause. A doctor’s visit is in order if your headaches are severe, but in the meantime you might find some relief with these remedies too.

Eyestrain is a common cause of tension headaches because people spend most of their days looking at computer screens. And, thanks to television, movie and smart phone screens, your eyes are under more strain than you probably think they are. While it’s likely that you aren’t able to quit your job, if that is the main cause of your eyestrain, you can still reduce the problem enough to keep the headaches away. It can help to look away from whatever screen you’re looking at for a few seconds. Do this frequently, so you’re not staring at the screen for extended periods of time without a break. A protective shield that reduces glare and (sometimes) radiation is another solution to help protect yourself.

One of the most common causes of the stress headache is dehydration so drinking more water might be a good solution for you. You may not always realize it when you’re dehydrated, especially if you’re distracted by work or another activity. Remember: it is a bad idea to drink beverages that are caffeinated like soda or coffee because these can make your headaches worse. Water is your best bet and iced herbal tea and pure fruit juice will also work when you want to rehydrate yourself. Eating lots of salty food can make your dehydration worse so reducing your salt intake (and intake of junk and snack foods in general) can help too.

Stress headaches can be helped tremendously with regular exercise. This is probably really obvious but it’s hard to work up the energy to go to the gym when you’ve got a bad headache. You need to concentrate on getting more exercise in general though because that is what will help you reduce the frequency of your headaches. Aerobic exercise is really great for bettering your circulation and oxygen intake, both of which help you prevent your headaches. Do not try to work out when you have a headache but try to make it a part of your regular routine at least a few times each week and eventually you should see some improvement to your situation. Check out Cary chiropractic professionals for more health tips.

There are a lot of treatments for stress headaches, some of which have been outlined here. Perhaps the most obvious remedy for a stress headache is a reduction in stress but it might be really hard for you to actually do that. You should still explore it though because stress is terrible for your body; headaches are just the tip of the iceberg.

Suggestions For Beating Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is a serious problem, and controlling it takes plenty of determination. The course you choose will depend on the cause and what type of treatment is most appropriate for you. People are often reluctant to let go of their stress because it’s familiar to them.

For this reason, you have to watch out for any tendencies you may have to undermine your own efforts.

The food that we eat, and the liquids we ingest, play a role in dealing with chronic stress everyday. Research has shown that this is actually very meaningful, and plays a role in dealing with stress. Drinking a lot of coffee, tea, or dark soft drinks means you’re getting too much caffeine. You really may not even notice what it is doing to your body until many years have passed. Maybe you’re totally addicted to caffeine, so stopping cold turkey can be too much. What you can do to help yourself out is start drinking water during the day.

Water can actually help you reduce the caffeine and sugar in your body by diluting it quite a bit. Drinking more water will keep you hydrated, and you will have far fewer toxins in your body as a result. When people feel chronically stressed, it is common for people to look for ways to feel better than they do right now. Finding a way to do this does not always lead to a healthy choice. It is very common for people to take up to destructive habits. Getting rid of them is really the challenge itself. You can suffer both mentally and physically if you try to abandon bad habits because it will cause you a lot of stress. You really have to make the right decision, the right choices, and it is a personal decision indeed. The negative habits will go away much faster if you replace them with positive ones that you will even like better. Drink less and then get busy doing something positive, and that is how you can slowly replace the bad with the good.

People that have unhealthy habits usually don’t notice them. In fact, they don’t even realize that they have developed at all. Maybe all of a sudden you realize that you’ve been a couch potato and watching TV for the past five or ten years. At this point, you have to make a decision to do something to fix this situation. Your goal should be to make a positive change, one that is much more active than sitting in front of the television eating your favorite sweets. You might want to take a college course online, or read some books that have been sitting on your shelf for years. There won’t be one thing that will fix you, but at least you can try a variety of activities to handle your chronic stress.

Find time to pamper yourself. You can go to your favorite spa and get massages or nail treatments – whatever makes you feel revitalized.

Learning how to manage chronic stress in an effective way takes real effort and commitment. Use the most appealing techniques that you find, the ones that you feel will work the best. If you are able to choose the right activities, you will notice your stress reducing. People that find success, even the smallest amount, are inspired to keep moving toward their goal.