Anyone that has the potentiality of cardiovascular disease will go to a specialist of some sort. Determining the right stress test to use for your situation will be done. Despite the similarities with many diagnostic tests, most of them are quite different if you look at them carefully. Information from the stress test will be discerned by secondary test that will gather this info. Every physician will have a battery of tests available – let’s look at stress tests that you may have to do.
Many patients find themselves having to do what is called a “nuclear” stress test. It helps discern the condition of the heart in many ways. Taking a more radioactive material that has been given, for instance, is the sign of a healthy heart. High amounts of blood coursing through your heart is absorbed through its walls as it continually pumps blood through your body.
Less radioactivity will be seen through testing if you do have clogged arteries. This is because less radioactive material can be seen during the tests. This is the simple premise or one of them behind the nuclear stress test. Images taken can also show extreme blockages. This is because the blood flow will be very slow.
Legal action taken against medical doctors in the United States is epidemic. Doctors protect themselves as mush as they can. Unfortunately, doctors will order cardiac imaging tests and stress tests for this reason even if the patient appears completely healthy. Many people don’t realize that heart palpitations and minor angina can be caused by non-related heart conditions. In some cases, if you drink a lot of coffee, or smoke, or have chronic stress in your life, angina can definitely manifest. Like the author of this article would tell you, a stress test should not be avoided if you need it. Basically, you need to use common sense, along with medical advice, to choose the best path for you personally.
If your physician orders a stress test, there are many reasons that they may have done this. Undoubtedly, this speaks volumes about how bad the person actually is if a stress test is actually ordered. Stress tests are typically not ordered for people that might have a heart attack if they are under this type of stress. Other tests will be given if a person is more likely to have a heart attack to find out what is going on. A test that is more likely will be the insertion of the catheter into the groin area or a major artery in the leg. The heart is then examined using the catheter which has a video camera on it so they can see what is happening inside. This procedure carries certain risks that are not always talked about. Receiving radioactive injections during a nuclear stress test is an area of concern for some people. So even though it’s a low dosage of radioactivity, it is definitely worth being concerned about. Radioactive exposure annual limits apply to all people in this case. There is probably an alternative available if you have major concerns.